Start and continue your LSAT prep with me because you want to, not because you are obligated by a contract. Combining my 30,000 hours tutoring clients, along with having scored in the top 1% of the country on this exam, no single tutor has offered a personalized program dedicated to your success as comprehensive as this one.

Why a Lawyer?
Students who have used other services often tell me, “Carol, it’s almost like you are tutoring in a different language”. There is a reason for that. I actually am. I am tutoring through the eyes of an experienced attorney, applying two fundamental concepts learned in law school, logical and analytical reasoning skills which are the foundation of this exam. I am not someone tutoring someone else’s methods from a script or a book. I am an attorney using my logical and analytical skills to customize my method to your needs.
When you combine my background with tutoring exclusively for 16 years, rest assured together
we can easily achieve your law school dreams.

From Carol
“I want you to know, I have been there! Like many of you, I confidently strode through college and the work place, always certain of my success. Yet, here was this one exam that could make or break acceptance by the law school of my choice, The LSAT. I thoroughly analyzed and consequently mastered the LSAT, scoring in the top 1% of the country, which led to my scholarship for all 3 years of law school. Based on my analysis, I developed a full comprehensive curriculum to enable my students to master the LSAT.”

Phone Hours
Phone hours are a unique opportunity to enhance the tutoring experience. Often after receiving their scores, students will reach out to me and tell me how those phone hours were a Life-saver.
Whether you are stuck on a problem, or losing confidence along the way, I’m available 6 nights a week between 7-9pm to help my students’ with any LSAT issues they are experiencing

Timing Issues
The single biggest problem I hear from students is that they have timing issues. Timing is an issue I can assure you we will resolve together. There are time-tested methods I have been using for over 16 years that will ensure that you will complete this exam. So put your mind at ease, working together, timing will become your friend not your enemy.
You will not only learn how to go through the answers more rapidly,
but I am going to teach you how to get out of answers very quickly.
What students are saying

My difference
I have been invited and attended many of my students law school graduations. I have been invited and attended some students weddings. I have been to holiday parties and my students have sent me photos of their children years later. This is not a job. This is a passion stemming from the emotional ties I have with every single student. I understand the importance of this test so we take this test together.
We talk the night before the test, the day of the test, and the day you get back your score.
I have been there myself and now I have your back
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